Leadership & Team Development

Developing a Team Leadership Model

The most effective organizations understand the importance of teaming, especially at the leadership level. We can help move your organization from the top-down authoritarian style to one that taps into the collective talents of team leadership. We can help you select and train leadership team members from within your organization to charge your atmosphere with excitement and commitment to getting results.


Administrator Training & Mentoring

According to John Maxwell, renowned author and leadership expert, it takes more than talent. Even naturally gifted leaders can use mentoring and skill-development to be more effective leaders. We can offer that help. We know what it takes to have an effective organization with engaged and fulfilled employees


Board & Governance Training

Some well-intentioned board members sacrifice their time and talents and never see their school or organization advance. Many boards get caught up in micro managing – neglecting the more important tasks of vision casting, policy setting and holding administrators accountable for results. We can help harness the talents of board members to provide the effective governance that every organization needs.


Leadership and teaming